
Futurism was an artistic, social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It glorified themes associated with concepts of the future, including speed, youth, violence and technology; also objects like the car the aeroplane and industrial city. The Futurists practised in every genre of art, including painting, sculpting, ceramics, graphic design, industrial design, interior design and even gastronomy. Key artists of this movement include Marinetti, Boccioni, Balla. Its members aimed to liberate Italy form the weight of its fast and to glorify modernity. Important works include its seminal piece of the literature, Marinetti’s Manifesto of Futurism, as well as Boccioni’s sculpture, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, and Balla’s painting, Abstract Speed + Sound. The futuristic architect Antonio Sant’Elia expressed his ideas of modernity in his drawing for La Citta Nuova, which means ‘The New City’. Unfortunately Sant’Elia never got to see his creation built, he then was killed in WW1, but his advance in architecture went onto inspire generations of architects and Artists. During this time Italy decided to help initiate heavy industries such as steel works, car factories and ship building. It also was around the same time World War 1 was beginning. The futurism painters often broke down into a series of dots of geometric forms through a process called Divisionism.


‘La Citta Nuova’

Futurism Architecture, designed by Sant’Elia.

Sharp lines, Crisp, detailed, modern.


Abstract Speed + Sound’

Painted by the futurism artist Balla.

Abstract, Bold colours, not an exact representation of an object.


Mainfesto of Futurism, Marinetti. (not the whole Manifesto)

Abstract, different, contrasting.


‘Unique Forms of Continuity in Space’ By Bocionni.

Abstract, unique shape.

This is my take on the abstract style seen in the Manifesto of Futurism.



Cubism is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement pioneered by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, joined by Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Robert Delaunay, Henri Le Fauconnier, Fernand Léger and Juan Gris that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture. A primary influence that led to Cubism was the representation of three-dimensional form in the late works of Paul Cézanne, which were displayed in a retrospective at the 1907 Salon d’Automne, In cubist artwork an object is taken and manipulated so that it looks somewhat abstract. Cubism began between 1907 and 1911. By 1911 Picasso was recognized as the creator/inventor of Cubism, while Braque’s importance and precedence was argued later, with respect to his treatment of space, volume and mass in the L’Estaque landscapes. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Europeans were discovering African, Micronesian and Native American art. Artists such as Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse, and Pablo Picasso were intrigued and inspired by the stark power and simplicity of styles of those foreign cultures. Roughly 1906, Picasso met Matisse through Gertrude Stein, at a time when both artists had recently acquired an interest in primitivism, Iberian sculpture, African art and African tribal masks.

Cubist-7p Cubist-9 modern picassoinsp

I also created a cubist piece of work, using Photoshop and specifically the pentool inside of Photoshop.


Impressionism and Post impressionism.

Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement that originated with a group of Paris-based artists. Their independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s, in spite of harsh opposition from the conventional art community in France. Impressionist painting characteristics include relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities. Post-Impressionism developed from Impressionism. From the 1880s several artists began to develop different precepts for the use of colour, pattern, form, and line, derived from the Impressionist example: van Gogh, Gaugin, Seurat, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. In the early 1860s, four young painters; Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, and Frédéric Bazille, met while studying under the academic artist Charles Gleyre. They discovered that they shared an interest in painting landscape and contemporary life rather than historical or mythological scenes.

impressionism_poplars_1 claude-monett Claude_Monet bridge

Here is my own piece of Impressionism art, i used Photoshop to create this piece. Using a small brush with multiple speckles to create the look of Impressionism.


Renaissance Art.

The renaissance is the movement in art occuring between 1400-1700.

It originated in italy, but was most definately part of europe during the 1600’s, this era was known as the ‘Renaissance’ due to its french meaning, ‘Rebirth’ . As a cultural movement, it encompassed innovative flowering of Latin and vernacular literatures, beginning with the 14th-century resurgence of learning based on classical sources, which contemporaries credited to Petrarch, the development of linear perspective and other techniques of rendering a more natural reality in painting, and gradual but widespread educational reform. The development of perspective was part of a wider trend towards realism in the arts. To that end, painters also developed other techniques, studying light, shadow, and, with the case of Leonardo da Vinci, human anatomy. Underlying these changes in artistic method, was a renewed desire to depict the beauty of nature, and to unravel the axioms of aesthetics, with the works of Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael representing artistic pinnacles that were to be much imitated by other artists. Leonardo Da Vinci is one of, if not the most, well known artist to emerge from this period, not only from his art but his work in science, maths, and his inventions.

Angel lastsupper LeBlanc Mona

This is a perspective line drawing i created using Photoshop, with the simple technique of using Pentool.
